City of West Sacramento
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Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA)
The City of West Sacramento is the recipient of State of California entitlement funding through the Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA), created by California Senate Bill 2. The PLHA provides funding to local governments to administer eligible housing activities to benefit low- and moderate-income persons consistent with the local adopted Housing Element. The State requires the City to prepare a five-year Plan describing how the program funds will be allowed over the Plan timeframe to eligible activity types. The Plan outlines the median income of beneficiaries, the projected number of beneficiaries, and the period of affordability for the activity, if applicable.
The Plan is available for a 10-day public review period beginning January 24, 2025, and ending February 7, 2025. Comments are encouraged and may be submitted in writing to the City of West Sacramento, Economic Development and Housing, 1110 West Capitol Ave., West Sacramento, CA 95691, by emailing or by calling 916-617-4555.
The Housing division has the general responsibility for development and implementation of affordable housing programs, policies, and projects for the City of West Sacramento. Other Housing division activities include providing gap financing loans for the construction or rehabilitation of affordable multi-family housing, and reporting on affordable housing production to various agencies such as the State Department of Housing and Community Development and the Sacramento Area Council of Governments. The Housing division also administers the City's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program.
Resources for Renters, Landlords, and Homeowners
California tenants or landlords can visit the Housing Is Key website, or they can call toll-free 833-430-2122.
In addition to the city, Iocal partner agencies are available to assist with housing inquiries:
- Empower Yolo, Inc.: (530) 661-6336
- Shores of Hope: (916) 302-0200
- Yolo County Children's Alliance: (916) 572-0560
West Sacramento Family Resource Center
West Sacramento, CA 95605
The Yolo County Children Alliance’s West Sacramento Family Resource Center (WSFRC) is a safe, inviting, and trusted place for families of different cultures to get the help they need.
- YCCA Housing Services – The agency provides housing services from eviction prevention, assistance with move-in costs, application fees, utility assistance, long-term case management, COVID-19 rent relief and utilities assistance, and homeless services. All services have their own qualifications and limitations.
Other Housing News
California Mortgage Relief Program
CALHFA Announces New Program for Current or Future California Homeowners
Forgivable Equity Builder Loan – California Housing Finance Agency
The California Housing Finance Agency (CalHFA) is introducing the Forgivable Equity Builder Loan, which helps homebuyers with a loan of up to 10 percent of the purchase price. If the homebuyer stays in the home for five years, they do not have to repay the junior loan, making homeownership more attainable for Californians.
The loan is available to Californians whose income is less than 80% of the Area Median Income in the county where the property is located. For instance, in Sacramento a family can make up to $72,700 and qualify for the loan.
The Forgivable Equity Builder Loan is available through CalHFA’s network of approved lenders, which operates in every California county. Families who think they may qualify are encouraged to contact a Preferred Loan Officer to take the first steps towards homeownership.